PC and Internet environment get better and better soon these days.
Now, new technologies are coming.
For example, this animation will show you a new kind of TV game. The producer will be a pioneer on this field.
Next animation is about sound system called 'Holophonics'. Before listening to it, I recommend you headphones. You will listen to the sound from all angles. I was really surprised when I had listened to it. My video bar on my top page is also about that. You can also access the pages through these.
Moreover, I want to show you this animation. At first, it shows you a cute character called 'Hatsune Miku', which is a software and a Vocaloid. Vocaloid is, in short, a kind of vocal and the voices are made from a voice actor. User can use this in their original music to attach a vocal as you like. This animation is my favorite one. There are lots of music with this system on the Internet.
From now, other amazing system and things come up on our life. However, I want to write this to you. DO USE THEM, DON'T BE USED BY THEM!
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